Where women transition from where they are to where they desire to be
Stat #1
Stat #2
Stat #3
Your self image is the ENTRANCE
to getting what you want out of life.It’s also the key to extreme confidence.How you see yourself precedes how the world will see you, but more importantly it is a key component to the decisions you make in life and affects all areas such as relationships, confidence, performance, careers, and aspirations.
The image of yourself takes precedence to everything else.
Whether you’re aware of it or not, you have curated and designed who you currently are right now… Yes, you design your persona daily by your consumption, your influence, your thoughts, habits, and how you choose to show up. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you have curated and designed who you currently are right now… Yes, you design your persona daily by your consumption, your influence, your thoughts, habits, and how you choose to show up.
Are you ready?
I help women Cultivate where they desire to be
I help women POLISH their
Mind, Image & Lifestyle!
Live your life on your terms
Dig deep to find and unfold the vision that resonates within you.Nothing is too small, impossible, or out of reach.Any vision authentically curated by you is already within you.
Show up as the best version of yourself
Mediocrity is not an option when it comes to yourself. Don’t treat yourself anything less than amazing.Every day you have choices and intentions to make.
Continue to impress you
Remember it’s you versus you.Keep yourself in awe. Continue to outdo yourself and constantly evolve.
Ask Yourself
➕ Have you felt that you operated in more masculine energy daily?
➕ Do you feel you accept less than what you deserve in a relationship?
➕ Have you ever felt you didn’t negate a salary you were worthy of?
➕ Have you ever felt you had potential to do more?
➕ Have you ever felt held back by imposter syndrome?
➕ Have you ever felt self-conscious?
➕ Have you ever desired to elevate your image and define your aesthetic?

The manner in which you present yourself. It typically is synonymous with smooth, refined, sophisticated, and elegant.

A system of guidelines to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes.
In My Community
In my community “Polished” represents how you present yourself to YOU and the world.
“Policies” represents the beliefs you choose to carry and live by internally.
The goal is to ELEVATE your self image.
Hi, my name is Tiffany Imwensi
There isn’t a time in my life I can’t think of where I have not had a yearning to help women and push them into the best version of themselves. This stems from the internal issues I worked on within. Working on yourself is the hardest most important task you will ever take on.
“Be yourself but always your best self”
– Tina Fey
Your body is your temple,
your vessel, and your home, and anytime you disconnect, disrespect, and abuse her… you FORFEIT your power.
🌹Make sure you talk nice to her.
🌹Make sure you honor her.
🌹Make sure you shower her with love , care, and the upmost respect.

I had a strong relationship with myself in my childhood. I was so in tune with my interests, likes and dislikes, and hobbies, even how people made me feel; I even had a vivid imagination and would always think of how my future would unfold when I turned into an adult. Do you remember when you were asked your hobbies as achild? Do you remember when you were asked what you wanted to be as an adult? There were typically 2 responses:
A. An instant response that subconsciously flowed out as if it was rehearsed.
B. If you didn’t have an answer, you were eager to jog your mind and imagination to find out one.
Somewhere in adulthood that relationship with myself got foggy, masked, and covered up. Let me just say that relationship the second time
Let Me Help You …?
✔️ Love, If this current version is no longer doing it for you, if you are sick of the everyday mundane routine- chances are your expiration date of the FORMER you has ARRIVED.
✔️ You are more than likely ready to step into a version of yourself that scares you but you know the potential is THERE. You always wanted to become HER but you just don’t identify with HER yet.
✔️ I’m here to push & provide the steps to become HER because let’s be honest- Anything you DESIRE is already within you.
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